Clothing brand urged Bangladesh prime minister to solve the wage problem

Time: 2017-02-20
Views: 72

Swedish clothing giant Hennes&Mauritz (H&M) on behalf of several Western clothing brands, as recent garment workers expressed unease between concerns, urged the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the country's garment industry by using the minimum wage wage prescribed by the commission.  In a letter to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina letter said, adding H&M, Esprit, Gap, C&A Next, VF Corp, Primark, Inditex and LiFung, brand, asked the government to take measures to ensure the protection of workers' rights, pay special attention to those arrested workers' legal representative.  This letter originated in support to (2016) in December in the capital Dhaka to protest the wage, caused by the police according to the 1974 Special Powers Act (Special Powers Act) detained at least 11 union leaders and workers rights advocates. At the same time, more than 1600 workers were suspended, the police filed 600 workers and trade union leaders' case.  Go to (2016) December 12th strikes in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, the authorities sent Zulia area of repression, the minimum wage workers demands from $68 per month increased to $190. Manufacturers take a firm position without increasing wages.  Bangladesh crackdown on garment workers criticized  H&M said in a statement that while it does not support any illegal strikes or violent protests, it acknowledges the need to address the root causes of unrest through social dialogue.  The joint letter pointed out that the increase in the cost of living in Bangladesh could lead to unrest among workers in the garment industry, and encourage the government to adopt a regular wage review mechanism. These brands said it would help the Bangladesh garment industry to create a stable business environment.  H&M said the company's employees in Dhaka are "closely monitoring the local situation", and with suppliers, industry associations, trade unions and other buyers to maintain close contact.  Fashion retailers said the factory has now reopened and resumed production. Factory management, trade union representatives and the Bangladesh clothing and Exporters Association (BGMEA) are negotiating the terms of dismissal.  The company said: "for H&M, it is important to produce in all production countries, our products are in good working conditions. This is resolved through our global framework agreement with IndustriAll and the Swedish union IF Metall. The goal is to establish a good dialogue, collective bargaining agreement and a solution to the conflict between the two sides. Our global fair living wage strategy - designed to achieve a fair living wage in the textile industry - is also an important contribution to this work, for example, by asking for an annual wage adjustment.

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